C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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113 lines
readchar -- read a character from serial port
ready_rcv -- check for character availability
ready_xmt -- check if port can accept a char to send
setport -- set port configuration
writechar -- send a char to the serial port
r = readchar(port);
x = ready_rcv(port);
x = ready_xmt(port);
(void) setport(port, r);
(void) writechar(port, r);
unsigned char r; character to send or receive
int port; port number
int x; TRUE if condition exists, else FALSE (0)
These are very low level (direct port access) subroutines
to enable I/O through COM1 through COM4. Only setport() uses
BIOS int 14H. These functions are not intended to be the
ultimate in async functions, but a starting point for an
integrated set of async functions, and a means of getting at
the serial port directly for speed and to work around the
problems that some "clone" BIOS routines have in returning
proper status values. File "smdefs.h" contains #defines
to handle these ports mnemonically.
The value to use for the setport() function is an 8-bit
value, bitwise organized as follows:
bits 1,0: 10 = 7-bit data, 11 = 8-bit data
bit 2: 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 2 stop bits
bits 4,3: x0 = No Parity, 01 = odd, 11 = even
bits 7,6,5: baud rate:
000 = 110 baud (use 2 stop bits)
001 = 150 baud
010 = 300 baud
011 = 600 baud
100 = 1200 baud
101 = 2400 baud
110 = 4800 baud
111 = 9600 baud
ready_rcv() returns a TRUE condition if a character is
waiting to be read, but no error conditions are returned.
ready_xmt() returns a TRUE condition if the transmit
holding register is empty; i.e., the transmitter can accept
a character to send. In both these functions, the status
returned is a result of reading the port status and masking
all but the relevant bit. These routines will NOT return
errors such as overrun or parity.
async functions, page 2
readchar() will return the character waiting in the receiver
register of the port. It is returned as an unsigned char
to facilitate 8-bit binary transfer protocols.
writechar() will place the specified unsigned char into the
transmitter buffer register where it will be sent.
If the program "loop" is short and fast enough, these functions
will be ample to allow communications at up to 9600 baud.
A program has already been implemented to communicate with a
prom programmer at this rate, so it can be done. However,
when the program does not poll the receiver fast enough it
is likely that characters may be lost and the maximum usable
baud rate will be lower. It is highly unlikely that baud rates
less than 2400 baud will be necessary if the program is properly
/* this routine receives characters from COM1 at one
** speed and resends them to COM2 at another speed */
unsigned char i;
setport(SER1, 0xe3); /* set COM1 to 9600 baud, No parity,
** 8-bits, 1 stop bit */
setport(SER2, 0xc3); /* set COM2 the same, except 4800 baud */
while(TRUE) {
if(!ready_rcv(SER1)) continue; /* wait for a char */
i = readchar(SER1); /* fetch it */
while(!ready_xmt(SER2));/* wait for transmitter to be ready */
writechar(SER2, i); /* then send it */
This function is found in SMDLx.LIB for the Datalight Compiler.